Inspector SpaceTime Wiki
The First Inspector
The First Inspector
Vital statistics
Planet of Origin: [[{{{origin}}}]]
Species Infinity Knight
Gender: Male
First Appearance: A Timeless Man
Last Appearance: The Lost Asteroid
Portrayed By: Leslie French
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The First Inspector was the first incarnation of the Infinity Knight later called The Inspector.


"I will return one day. Yes, I will return. Until that day comes, don't regret, don't cry, don't be afraid. Simply persevere in everything that you believe, and show me that my faith in you is not misplaced."-The First Inspector

Before the show

He was born on Kayaclasch from Infinity Knights parents. He lived an happy childhood, listening to the stories of the Pirate and dreaming of a life as an Inspector. When he was 42, he was taken before the Time Cyclone, and unlike the other children who would run away, he stared at the cyclone for two full hours without blinking, a sign of maturity. He attended the Infinity Knight College, where he met the Sergeant. They soon became good friends and accomplished their first mission together. They remained partners until an untold event in which the Sergeant allowed a criminal to escape. The Inspector disagreed with him and reported his action to the Infinity Knight Senate. The Sergeant was fired but he escaped stealing an old dimensioniser. The Inspector was reassigned to work with Susannah Overseer on the primitive planet Earth.

On the show



  • Unlike his successors, he was quite afraid of changing the future if he got involved in past times.
  • He used to say "Oi, wot's all this, then?".
  • He is the only inspector to date who carried an umbrella.